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How Many Cooling Zones Will You Need?

When it comes to keeping your home cool, you might need to use zoned cooling systems. These zones allow you to control and regulate the areas of the house separately by a designated thermostat or remote control. Zoning your home means you can eliminate the hot and cold spots and control the temperature of each room individually. Using ductless cooling systems can reduce cooling costs by up to 30 percent. If you’re looking to use cooling zones within your Birmingham, Alabama, residence, consider a ductless mini-split or multi-split system.

Mini-Split System

Mini-split ductless air-conditioning
give you cooling capabilities in one specific area without worrying about ductwork. You can regulate the temperatures from room to room and reduce the energy loss that is typically found with inefficient ductwork. These systems work well if you have an addition to your house and space doesn’t allow for additional ductwork, or your existing system wouldn’t be able to accommodate the additional square footage. In addition, these systems can help you supplement space already cooled by a larger air-conditioning unit.

Mini-split systems have an outdoor condensing and compression unit that applies pressure to the refrigerant. From there, the refrigerant travels through lines that are connected to an inside unit. You can place these indoor units on walls and ceilings.

Multi-Split System

For multi-split systems, you use one compressor connected to two or more indoor units. The number of units connected depends upon the number of zones or rooms you wish to cool. Some compressors can accommodate up to eight indoor units.

Just like mini-split systems, multi-split systems can focus on specific areas of the house that need additional cooling. Multi-split systems work best if your home has two or more floors or levels. They are also ideal options if you live in an older home and
the ductwork cannot accommodate cooling specific areas of your house.

Effective climate control is vital to maintaining zoned cooling in your Birmingham residence. Contact the professionals at One Source Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical for more information on mini- or multi-split cooling systems. You can visit the website or call (205) 509-1929 to schedule an installation.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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