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4 Ways an Evolution Perfect Air Purifier Saves Your IAQ

You might think that your home’s air quality is top-notch, but pet dander, dust, mold, and several other indoor pollutants are persistent problems for many Gardendale, Alabama, homeowners. Fortunately, you can virtually eliminate airborne contaminants from your home’s air supply in one easy step. From cleaning your air around the clock to capturing airborne particles, find out how an Evolution Perfect Air Purifier saves your indoor air quality.

It Boosts Air Quality Throughout Your Home

One of the biggest perks of an Evolution Perfect Air Purifier is that it covers much more ground than a portable air cleaner does. This air purifier works with your HVAC system to clean the air in every room of your home simultaneously. That means you don’t have to buy a unit for every room, and you never have to worry that you’re neglecting the air quality in some parts of your home.

It Purifies Your Air Around the Clock

As long as your HVAC system is running, your Evolution Perfect Air Purifier will be working to purify your air. This unit can clean your home’s entire air supply up to eight times every hour, effectively cleaning up to 100 times more air than a portable unit.

It Helps Alleviate Sneezes and Sniffles

The Evolution Perfect Air Purifier is designed to eliminate up to 95 percent of the particles that make you sniffle and sneeze. With virtually no pollen, pet dander, or dust to worry about, you can look forward to breathing easier during allergy season and all year round.

It Eliminates Germs and Pathogens

This air purifier doesn’t stop with eliminating sneeze-worthy particles. It also captures and kills up to 99 percent of the germs that make you sick. In fact, it can remove common cold, flu, and even measles viruses from your home’s air supply, boosting your whole family’s health.

Ready to take your home’s indoor air quality to the next level? Call the indoor air quality experts at One Source Heating & Cooling: (205) 509-1929.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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