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Minimize Indoor Air Pollution With These 6 Preventions Tips

Scientists now know that pollution can’t be avoided by simply moving away from large urban smoke stacks. Breathing in poor quality air can happen to anyone, anywhere. In fact, the air inside the average American home is often more contaminated than the air outside it. Considering the fact that you likely spend more time at home than any other place, it’s vital that you make an effort to clean your home’s indoor air. Learn how to prevent indoor air pollution and start breathing easier today.

How to Prevent Indoor Air Pollution

  • Have your air tested by a professional. There are many sources of pollution that you may not be able to detect by sight or smell. For example, radon, which can cause lung cancer, can infiltrate your home from the ground without you knowing.
  • Upgrade the air filter. An air filter can trap a significant number of the pollutants that are lurking about your home, but not all of them are created equal. Choose a high-efficiency type that’s suited for your HVAC system and household needs.
  • Ensure your home is properly ventilated. All the air sealing efforts being implemented today are certainly energy-savvy, but the tiny holes and cracks that were once customary in homes had also provided fresh breathing air. Without these natural ventilation sources, polluted air can become trapped inside. To counter the negative impact of an airtight home, install a whole-house ventilation system and open windows when the weather permits it.
  • Install a household or room air cleaner. Such devices are a worthwhile investment, particularly if someone in your home has allergies, asthma or other respiratory issues.
  • Use household cleaners that don’t contain harmful chemicals. Most eco-friendly products are clearly labeled, making it easy to know you’re choosing a safe cleaner.
  • Use indoor plants to freshen the air. NASA scientists have found that plants like English ivy, the peace lily and Boston fern are effective natural air cleaners.

For more tips on how to prevent indoor air pollution in your Birmingham, AL area home, or for other home comfort concerns, feel free to contact us at One Source Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical.

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