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heat pump compressor

Is Your Heat Pump Compressor Faulty in Birmingham, AL?

The compressor is the most important component in your heat pump and consumes the most energy. Ideally, the moment something goes wrong with it, take immediate action to ensure that your home in Birmingham, AL stays comfortable. Here are a few signs that your heat pump compressor is faulty.

Repeated Tripping of the Circuit Breaker

During a typical heating cycle, the refrigerant in your HVAC system absorbs heat from the air in one area, evaporates and then condenses and releases that heat into another area. The purpose of the compressor is to increase the temperature and pressure of the refrigerant until it condenses upon contact with cooler air. To do this work, the compressor must use a significant amount of energy.

However, when the compressor malfunctions, your heat pump may attempt to force it to work. Consequently, it will divert a large amount of energy to the compressor — so much energy that your compressor may end up inadvertently tripping your circuit breaker. Though many other things may wrongly activate the circuit breaker, this is a common cause of trouble.

Falling Efficiency and Rising Electric Bills

As your compressor’s functionality declines and uses more power, its efficiency will plummet and your utility bills will skyrocket. Of course, many other things may harm your system’s efficiency and force your electric bills to increase. The best way to prevent these problems is to make sure that your heat pump receives a professional-grade tune-up at least once per year.

Endless Operation

As the temperatures in your home fluctuate, your heat pump should alternate from periods of work to periods of rest. However, if its compressor malfunctions and can’t effectively alter your home’s interior temperature, your HVAC system may react by simply never turning off. Once again, other problems, like poor airflow, may also cause this to happen.

The consequences of a faulty heat pump compressor may prove devastating. Call One Source Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical today to get the best heat pump services around Birmingham, AL.

Image provided by iStock

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