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3 Things in Your Home That May Be Causing Your Allergies

Areas like Birmingham, Alabama, are desirable because of the moderate seasons that provide a variety of plants and flowers. If you or a loved one suffers from allergies, however, then you know firsthand what can happen when the air is rich in pollen. Allergic reactions are not due solely to pollen and can be triggered by various sources inside of your home right now.

Ordinary Household Dust

House dust is a mixture of many things from dirt and pollen tracked inside on your shoes, dried food particles, and small fibers from your furniture and clothes. The very small particle size of dust makes it easily airborne as you move around your home and when your HVAC circulates air in your house.

Dust Mites

Dust mites are like tiny spiders that are so small they can’t be seen, and so tenacious that dusting and vacuuming can’t remove them. Living deep in the carpeting, sofa, and mattresses of even spotless homes, dust mites don’t bite or spread disease. Dust mites do need warm humid environments to survive. If you are comfortable, then your dust mites are likely comfortable too!

Pet Dander

If you’ve got pets in your home, then you know they can be sources of dirt tracked in from outside, and hair and fur shedding. Just like you and your family, your pets also shed skin cells which are referred to as "dander." For some people, exposure to unseen pet dander can be a constant and powerful irritant. By some estimates, the combination of pet allergy triggers may affect one-in-five Americans.

Although every home has some kind of allergy trigger like the ones above, you can take steps to reduce the amount of these materials and their impact on you and your loved ones. Call us today at One Source Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical, (205) 509-1929 and speak with one of our professionals about how you can improve your indoor air quality and reduce common allergy triggers.

Image provided by Shutterstock

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