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HVAC Repairs

What Are Some of the Most Common HVAC Repairs?

The HVAC system in your Hoover, Alabama, home plays a crucial role in your comfort throughout the year. A malfunctioning HVAC system can quickly stop you in your tracks, especially if you come home during cold weather only to discover that your furnace is not working. To keep this from happening, it’s important to invest in regular maintenance and to have repairs performed in a timely manner. A few of the most common HVAC repairs come in the form of air filter issues, mechanical wear and tear, and blown fuses or tripped breakers.

Air Filter Issues

The air filter controls airflow as well as air resistance. It is designed to remove dust, dirt, and other debris from the air, and keep it from accumulating inside of the HVAC system. Over an extended period of time, the filter becomes dirty and will eventually clog, causing unnecessary wear and tear and decreasing the system’s efficiency. This is because a clogged filter causes increased air resistance, this makes the HVAC system use excessive energy to heat and cool the home. The easiest way to keep these things from happening is to change the air filter regularly.

Malfunctioning Thermostat

Sometimes a heating or cooling problem lies with the HVAC system. However, if you’ve set your thermostat, but your HVAC system isn’t keeping your home at the desired temperature, you may need a professional to check out your thermostat instead. Much of the time, a malfunctioning thermostat is the cause because it is not sending the correct signals to the HVAC unit. Fixing a malfunctioning thermostat is easy. The tech is able to recalibrate it and if that doesn’t work, will advise you to install a new one.

When upgrading, always install either a programmable or smart thermostat. These devices include design specifications directly meant to increase heating and cooling efficiency and improve indoor comfort. Take a smart thermostat, for example. It syncs with sensors inside a home to determine humidity levels and to make adjustments that maximize energy efficiency.

Blown Fuses or Tripped Breakers

Another one of the most common HVAC repairs comes in the form of blown fuses or tripped breakers. A furnace will trip a breaker when the blower starts working too hard, which is often caused by a blockage in airflow. Airflow resistance and blockage usually occur as a result of a clogged air filter. If the furnace keeps tripping the breaker or blowing a fuse, one of our techs can investigate the issue further and decide on the appropriate repair.

Mechanical Wear and Tear

No matter how well you maintain your HVAC system, it’s going to endure mechanical wear and tear. Still, regular maintenance is key to extending its lifespan. A system that is well maintained is likely to last anywhere from five to 10 years longer than systems that don’t receive regular maintenance. This is why you should invest in a regular maintenance plan.

Dirty Condenser or Evaporator Coils

HVAC systems that go without maintenance tend to have accumulated dirt and debris inside of them. As obstructions accumulate, the coils in your system can become clogged. This reduces the system’s cooling efficiency. A dirty evaporator coil makes both the furnace and AC work harder than necessary. Having the coils cleaned by a professional tech is a great way to reduce repairs and improve heating and cooling efficiency.

Blower Motor Won’t Shut Off

When the blower motor runs continuously, it could be that the thermostat is set on the FAN position. This mode makes the blower motor run constantly. It could also be that the fan relay connected to the blower is stuck. If you check the thermostat and it’s not on the FAN position and the blower continues to run, make sure to give us a call. We can inspect relays and other safety switches to determine how best to fix the problem.

Contact One Source Heating, Cooling, Plumbing & Electrical today at (205) 509-1929 to learn more about HVAC repairs. One of our techs can also help you schedule your next maintenance session. With regular maintenance, it becomes possible to keep repairs to a minimum.

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